About Now Ideas

How this site was built?

The site was built using Astro, styled with Tailwind CSS, and deployed by Cloudflare Pages.

I'm writing in Obsidian, which I am already using for my daily journal, CRM, documents, and all kind of other stuff.

Initially, am not a fan of Astro, since it doesn't support remote content and didn't liked the idea of CMS just for the publish content.

But with the recent announcement of Astro DB, I though it would be ideal for this project. Since Astro support hybrid rendering, I created a few CRUD endpoints to handle content on the database. There isn't a Obsidian plugin that fit my use case so I created one. It is a fairly simple plugins that make a call to the api and update the content. In the future I could explore more in-depth plugins, but for now, this will do.

Ah, since the site is SSG, so I need to rebuilt them every time the content change. Luckily, Cloudflare Pages offer a webhook that I could make a call to and it will re-deploy the site. Great!

Pretty neat, huh?